
学习累> 优秀文学


来源:网络提供 展示时间:2019-07-09 19:07:02

谓语动词构成:I/ we shall work , he/ she/ it/ you/ they will work



Perhaps I shall play a visit to France this winter.


Will you be at home at seven this evening? 今晚七点你会在家吗?

(2)“be going to +不定式”多用于口语中,表示打算、将要发生的事.

What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你要干什么?

Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看那乌云,暴风雨快来了.

(3)“be +不定式”表示安排或计划好了的动作

When are they to hand in their plan? 他们的计划什么时候交上来?

The queen is to visit Japan next year. 女王将于明年访日.

(4)“be about +不定式”表示即将发生的动作

He is about to retire. 他即将退休.

The English evening is about to begin. 英语晚会即将开始.


He starts next week. 他下个星期出发.

We leave very soon. 我们很快就离开.


They are leaving for New York tomorrow. 明天他们将要动身前往纽约.

Is your brother departing soon? 你的兄弟很快就要启程吗?